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Submit to Comm-entary

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

With the click of a button the paper you have spent hours writing, editing and revising has finally been uploaded for your professor to read over and grade. Now what? Well, if you’re like some students it will just sit in a folder on your computer. But if you’re smart you will submit your writing to Comm-entary.

Comm-entary is UNH’s annual student journal published by the Communication department. But that doesn’t mean you need to be a Communication major for you work to be accepted. Comm-entary will review any academic paper. And if you are shy about people knowing it is your paper, don’t worry. All papers are reviewed and edited with the author unknown. The editors do don’t know the names of the authors until the work has been accepted. So what do you have to loose? Submit your work to Comm-entary by emailing commentary2015@gmail.com or Kevin.Healy@unh.edu. All submissions must be in by February 16th.

UNH '15