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Struggles Of Always Being Sick In College: As Told By The Sick Girl Herself

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

If you are like me, a new year at school means a new year of multiple illnesses. As someone who currently has tonsillitis(for the 100th time) and spent all of last week hacking up a lung, I’m here to tell you I feel your pain. These are the struggles of always being sick at school. 

1.  You are forced to go to class because you can only have a certain amount of absences

It’s times like these that you wish you didn’t use an absence to go to the beach back in September. Unfortunately, you just have to stick it out and try not to die during the lecture. 


Lucky for me, I’ve been sick for two weekends in a row!!! This is a struggle because you have to sit home while all your friends are at the bar and watch all their Snapchats about it. As much as I love binge watching Gossip Girl, I would rather be dancing in Scorps basement. 

3. You don’t have parents to help you

The best thing about being sick in high school was that you had your mom or dad to cook you soup and bring you medicine. Hopefully you are blessed like me and have roommates who make you tea and give you their NyQuil. 

4. You want to complain but you don’t want to annoy your friends 

I am truly very sorry for all of the people I am friends with. When you’re sick, all you want is to complain about your illness and get some sympathy. You want people to understand how much pain you are in but you also don’t want to annoy them. Hopefully you aren’t as dramatic as I am and hopefully you have sympathetic friends who are willing to listen. 

5.You want to ignore all your assignments but can’t

Being sick means you’d rather spend all day sleeping than studying for the three exams you have this week. Bad news, you truly can’t ignore your assignments in college (it sucks). 

6. You don’t want to go to the doctor 

As if being sick wasn’t annoying enough, you now have to find the time to go to the doctor. Let’s be real, health services is probably going to tell you that you’re fine even though you know you are dying. 

7. You just want to feel better 

The absolute worst thing about being sick is that you just want to get better. To be honest, what sucks about this is that once you are better it’s only a matter of time before the next illness strikes and ruins your life. So live it up while it lasts people!! 




This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!