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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

Holidays are around the corner and gift giving becomes stressful. Finding the right gift at the right price for family and friends can be difficult. However, this should not be a stressful time. In my family, we are expected to make a list of things we want from our extended family. We use an online website called Giftster and follow links for an easy purchase. While it is convenient to make sure you are buying a gift you know someone may want, it is just not what I like to do. I like to find gifts that jump out to me and resemble the person I am shopping for. It shows that I thought of them when I stumbled across something in the store. During crunch time and if I still have no ideas for a gift for my brother then it becomes stressful, but I made a list of various items that may be the perfect gift for someone you know. Here are some gifts with various price ranges that might be perfect for you!

AURA Frames $179

Carver mat

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This Aura frame is on the pricier side, but as a bargain shopper, I have noticed they are consistently on sale ranging from $30-$50 off. This is a digital picture frame that connects to your phone; anyone with the app can pair to your frame for easy set up. While digital frames have been around for awhile, they require a complicated setup and having to consistently transfer photos from phone to laptop to the frame; this is a simplified version of those frames. This is perfect for grandparents. Everyone can have the app and upload photos to them as they see fit. 

Gamma Red Light Therapy $100
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Like I said before, big bargain shopper. This product is also having an ongoing Black Friday sale right now. This is the perfect gift for that friend or family member who likes a peaceful, relaxing room. oh, and science! This light has science-backed technology that enhances a natural production of melatonin and improves daytime physical and mental performance. 

Papier Joy Journal $35XEg5rfJjHtutdkTEimjFpIAOggnxADLEKTHI7O fwCD4rXzH5ZI5UDKllGOmuYERo7Q7PTFNVRPf95zrrVld P1u8QpL8JufKwDpFlYBGregQVplSffe 15qmgLEkVB4q WRam
u5 KWBQk1A4kzSL qZrjv3XXif3LeT0Iz1DmrPYGsWWE4qhqS9RitOtoIQ6eEurZvHery4Roy4OmoVsAFR

These journals are perfect for your writer friends or people who like to see their own handwriting. Papier has a lot of options, including a recipe journal, travel journal and wellness journals. Inside, they have prompts and are organized for you. They are also customizable which is awesome!

It’s time to Bloom six-piece skincare set $59

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This is the perfect gift for someone who loves skincare. There is an app that I use and recommend called Yuka where you scan a product and it tells you how good it is for you with a reasoning. This is the first product I have seen that has no harsh chemicals for your skin. It is recommended 100/100. This set also has a few trial sizes of serums to try out. 

Jerseys  Price varies

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If you’re a hockey family, this is perfect for literally anyone in the family. Any jersey will do but if you’re a college student, you will most likely get the most use out of your college jersey. I got this for my dad and sister last year and it was a hit. My mom surprised me with one for myself from Ebay, and it was the perfect gift and works for any hockey fan in the family. A lot of college students typically get school merchandise for their family during this time which is also a great, simple gift. 

I know it’s cheesy to say but the best gifts are the ones that come from the heart. The ones where you think the person would enjoy but would not buy themselves. Try to not let the gifts get ahead of the meaning of the holidays: being with your family and showing appreciation for the people in your life. 

University of New Hampshire 25' I like dogs and hammocking. If the dogs are in the hammock, that's even better.