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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

Dear Stoke,

       You have quite the reputation here at The University of New Hampshire. Despite the backlash and the negative feedback I received (mainly people asking why?), I decided to become your resident for my sophomore year. I will admit, apart from a few scarring memories, so far it hasn’t been all that disgusting. I may be naïve, but I really hope that things don’t get much worse. I don’t mind a few Wildkitty containers on Monday morning or the smell of ketchup throughout the hallways. If this is as bad as it gets then I will leave here a happy resident.         

        However, a large part of me is fully aware that this is only the beginning. Surprisingly, I have only had a couple of minor issues… so far.  First of all, there is no need for other residents to have a continuous rave in their dorm room. I understand if you “just want to dance”, and maybe the fast beats and loud base of “Wake Me Up”by Avicii helps you concentrate better, but this is not the case for everyone. Secondly, I share the breathtaking view of the basketball courts and dumpsters with about a hundred other students. I know some want to see their friend, and maybe get a nice wave from them while they are in their room, but I find it highly unnecessary and quite irritating to yell their name about forty times with no response at two o’clock in the morning. I know I’m not the only one who needs their beauty sleep.

       I chose you Stoke.  The location, the people, and the spacious rooms are what caught my eye, so PLEASE, don’t make me regret my housing decision. You’ve lived up to my expectations so far, both the good and the bad. I have had the opportunity to meet lots of amazing people, enjoy Wildkitty late at night, and even go to a social on my floor. Fortunately, and I may be jinxing myself, I have yet to be woken up in the middle of the night by the fire alarm *knocks on wood* Stoke, you are my home and will be for the next eight months while I find myself, and you are perfect for that job. I’ll promise to be the best residence I can be, only if you promise to not be too horrible. That’s fair enough, right?



This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!