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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

It’s finally here. The last semester of my senior year. It’s kind of crazy to think about how fast time flew by. One minute I’m moving into my freshman year dorm and next I’m living in an apartment with 3 of my closest friends starting our last semester. The best part is I have a core group of people around me that I see every day and life without them is unimaginable. This semester is going to be a busy one. Not only am I one of the Co-Correspondents for Her Campus at UNH, I also TA a class, and work in a research lab, while being a member of two other Orgs on campus. Also, I’m in the middle of applying to grad schools so that alone is stressful. I’m a busy bee. Whoever said senior year was relaxed lied. But, with everything going on I want to make the most of my last senior and my mindset is to make the most of every day while taking it one step at a time. 

My senior year started out amazing. But it definitely had some ups and downs. A big part of my life changed and going through it changed me as a person, but it was a good learning opportunity. I had my friends by my side to help me through the tough times and I can’t thank them enough. I also had some major accomplishments last semester that made me excited for the future. Making the most of every day is very important to me because these are supposed to be the best days of our lives, why not make them THE BEST days of our lives. 

My goal this semester is to find what I want in life. I want to be able to make decisions and have control of my own destiny. I don’t want someone or something to influence my life because it’s my own. That comes from making the most of every day. I want to do one thing a day for myself and make myself happy. There’s a satisfying feeling that comes with accomplishing something little every day for yourself. So starting today I am going to be a little selfish. I am going to do things for myself because I need to figure out who and what I want to be in the future since I have to start becoming independent. My future is my own, so I need to start thinking about what I want it to look like. I want to grow for myself and that starts with making progress every day. Whether it’s becoming better at time management, being more decisive, even being happy with how my day went. I want to find something every day that I am proud of. I can’t wait on people or a significant event to feel accomplished and to help me figure out what I want in my life. I need to dig deep and do it myself. 

I wanted to set this goal for myself because I think it’s an important time in my life when the future is becoming more and more relevant. Yes, it’s a very big goal. No one is able to flip a switch and have a handle on life. It’s going to take a lot of work, but I’m ready for it. I’m graduating college and the real world is not far behind that. I don’t want to get my diploma and then say now what. I want to be surrounded by my peers in our cap and gowns and think to myself “ this is the beginning of something amazing”. I want to be able to say that I am ready and that comes with figuring out what I want my life to look like. I’ve always been the person that never wanted to look at my own life and let other things take control of it. Not anymore. This is my life and my time to figure out who I am. Something that has helped me accomplish this goal is writing my thoughts in a journal and reading them back. It helps me gather my thoughts and come to realizations of what kind of person I am and what I actually want. I think it is a great tool to figure out what makes me happy in life. I highly suggest writing about your day and listing what you accomplished. It’s become great motivation. 

To any senior reading this article, this set your own goals. Maybe write in a journal or just on a sticky note, check-in with yourself once a day, set the bar high, and reach for it. We are graduating. Reflect on your past four years here at UNH and be grateful. These were truly the best days of our lives and now it’s our time to grow up. Good luck to everyone this spring semester and make the most of it. There’s no rewind button in life so why not be selfish. It’s time for us to set our own goals for OUR future. And remember: every day is a great day to be a wildcat.

Hi! I'm Lauren and I am a Senior Genetics Major and CC for Her Campus at UNH in a world where you can be anything, be kind :)