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Mother Nature Working Her Wonders On Our Overall Well-being

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

I think we can all agree that seasonal depression exists. The cold can be unmotivating to do simple tasks such as walking to class. I would say, especially as a freshman, there are a lot of expectations of having the ‘college experience’, and the winter puts limitations on what you can do. During the winter, I felt like an outcast that I barely wanted to go out, and preferred nights in with a close group of friends or, honestly, my dogs. I felt guilty for spending some weekends at home and felt that I had to be at school, when I just wanted the comfort of my own home and the accessibility of my car. Universities, while full of people, can still feel like a lonely place at times. It can make you feel small. And if I could relay any advice onto anyone who is as much of an overthinker as I am, it would be to do whatever you find fun and disregard the thoughts of others. I know it is easier said than done, but no one actually cares what you do. I like to think of it from the perspective of me being the person who does not care what people do with their free time, as long as they are enjoying themselves. 

I think the transition from winter to spring may be one of my favorites. The air feels clearer, more people are out and about, and spirits are high. Spring break is the perfect reset between not only the weather but our mindset. Although I spent most of my spring break in wisdom teeth removal recovery, I still managed to have an enjoyable time exploring, binging a lot of movies, and reliving childhood fun. I have realized the winter is initially fun when spirits are high around holidays but eventually becomes limiting on what you can do, possibly influencing your emotions as well. I am sure many of us feel unaccustomed when we return from any break. Enjoying this time away from the responsibilities of school, and for the many who traveled, enjoying warmer weather, can leave a pitless feeling when you have to return to these tasks. Like anything else, it takes time to adjust. Many recommend getting into a return, but realistically, this is hard to do right away. Allow yourself to ease back into it and remember to do something you love a day. I think this is very important while away at school because it becomes hard to disconnect from schoolwork and leisure when surrounded by an academic environment. 

As the spring arrives, the warmer weather greets us, and you are looking for new places to explore to uplift your mood, reconnect with nature after a long and exhausting winter that brought a flurry of emotions, or to practice differentiating school from leisure, I have compiled a couple, all within a reasonable difference from the University of New Hampshire, that may be worth your while to check out.

Nubble Lighthouse York, Maine

  I highly recommend this beautiful light house around sunset. This way you can explore the rocks and relax to the crashing of waves then catch a glimpse of the sun reflecting ever so beautiful against the house. The drive itself is enjoyable. I often look at the houses and decide which ones I would live in. On your way out of town, stop at the park that overlooks a beach. The park includes a gazebo, playground, basketball hoops, and an open field to enjoy a picnic and people watch. When the warmer weather comes, there are local shops to explore and of course ice cream to be eaten.

Rail Trail Newburyport, Massachusetts 

This trail is perfect for people watching. It is also perfectly paved to travel on wheels. I personally enjoy longboarding or rollerblading along the trail. It brings you all around Newburyport, a quant, brick town enriched in history, shops you would love, and a variety of restaurants. It also brings you to the ocean in any direction you go, allowing for a cool breeze. It continues into Salisbury, MA where you can enjoy the woods and overlook scenery that resembles a safari ride. I recommend bringing a bag of activities, whether it is a basketball or a set of tennis racquets to really enjoy a day of activities. 

University of New Hampshire 25' I like dogs and hammocking. If the dogs are in the hammock, that's even better.