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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.


Here we are. We’re past Halloweekend and midterms. We’re past changing trees and the oh-so popular, “happy fall” Instagram. Personally, I’m guilty of the “wait two seconds, let me take a pic of my shoes in all these leaves,” rendition. We are approaching the end of November and honestly, it feels like quite an accomplishment. Durham has seen a dusting or two of snow and talk of winter break plans are well underway.

Sounds pretty good, right? Here we are, already tasting the cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie, day dreaming about break and fast-forwarding to the end of the semester. It sounds like the best time of the year and we’re all on board. The only question is “how do we make it there?”

Collectively, we’ve spent too many hours in Dimond and too much cat’s cache on coffee and Red Bull to stop now. Some of us feel like the semester flew by and some of us feel like it can’t end fast enough. Either way, we all could use some motivation along with a few tips on how to finish off the semester strong.


Here are my best tips to end your semester stong:

·Start off by getting organized. At this point, most of our professors have announced their final schedule. Figure out a plan, and one that you can stick to, for each class leading up until the end of the semester. Write down when a final project is due or when your final exam is. At least now you can see what lies between you and break. And hopefully for your sake, it’s as little as possible.

·Set goals for yourself. Both scholastically and personally, write down a few goals that you can achieve by mid December. There’s no better feeling then accomplishing a goal and being able to cross it off your list.

·Go to class. These last few weeks will seem to be the longest of the semester. Your classes suddenly appear farther away and you feel as if you’re in the most perfect cocoon in your cozy bed. It’ll take some will power, but you can do it.

·Go to office hours. If you are not listening to the tip above, which I know some of you will not, be sure to get notes from a friend and go to office hours for questions or for a review of misunderstood material.

·Get as much sleep as you can. This is a little more realistic then the classic, “get enough sleep.” What does that even mean? What is considered “enough”? Well, let’s say this. We all have things to do and places to be but get as much sleep as you can. Keep in mind around 7 or 8 hours will do the job for most people.

·Snack on the right snacks. Try mixed nuts, Luna Bars, yogurt, hummus and veggies or bananas with peanut butter. These are great to munch on while studying and they’ll help keep your immune system up, too.

·Set time aside for yourself. Bundle up and go on a walk through College Woods, head to the gym, or watch the next episode (or three) of your current show on Netflix.

We’re in it together, collegiettes.

And if you need a bit of an extra push, here’s a little love note from our friend Ryan.






This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!