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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

Full from a delicious thanksgiving meal? Missed Black Friday because you didn’t want to wait outside in the cold for hours beyond hours? Well you’re in luck! Today is Cyber Monday where most stores offer amazing deals online only! This way you can buy your favorite clothes or accessories in the comfort of your own home. Lets be serious, you can get your Christmas shopping done all in one day with out leaving your bed. I would say this sounds pretty good to me. Many stores offer deals but what are the best tips and tricks to getting the best deal on cyber Monday?


For starters make a list! I mean I love shopping online but I usually buy what I like and wayyyy too much! After I purchase I realize I spent too much and end up with a lot of returns. If you already have a list of the essentials you need you can save time and money. So start making those Christmas list so you are ready once Cyber Monday begins! 

Next is to save as you go, speed is the key to getting what you want online. However, once you save, decide quickly because you probably have less then 30 minutes until you loose your items in your shopping cart. And we all know how frustrating that can be, trust me been there. To help you decide if you want to purchase the items in your cart quickly, do a search in your web browser.  You can compare pricing from other sites to make sure you are getting the lowest price if you haven’t previously researched competing retailers. This way you know you are actually saving money and can feel good about yourself! Speed and accuracy is key and it is easier to compare prices on accessories then clothing but its always good to double check!

Once you have your items in your cart and have deiced to make the purchase, have your credit cards ready to go and make that purchase. Having your credit cards on hand can speed up the process and make sure you can get all of the items on your list! Cyber Monday shopping begins at 12:01am so the earlier you get started the more options and availability you have for items. 


Another big factor is safety; safety is key when online shopping. Now days you hear in the news about hackers and fraud, especially during the Thanksgiving holidays with all the shopping that goes on. If you have a credit card use that over a debit card for debit cards go directly into your bank account, which can be worse if you were to get hacked. Just be careful and make sure the sites you are going to are actually retailing sites. Before purchasing, read comments and reviews and consider engaging in an online chat or calling the customer service hot-line to verify the security of the sites you are shopping on. Its not fun being hacked and it can be stressful and if there are ways to try and prevent fraud take those precautions!

And lastly spread the word, social media is key. Of course you don’t want anyone to find your deals and steal your items but its great to share the fun and anxiety with friends. Also friends are great for opinions on what to get and what not to get. 

Cyber Monday has already begun and if you’re reading this go out there and start shopping away! Have those credit cards ready to go, find the best deals and be safe! I will be shopping at my favorite stores finding the best deals for my friends, family and myself. Enjoy Cyber Monday, the best day of the year for online shopping!

Enjoy and Happy Cyber Monday! 

This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!