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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

On October 26, the Fierce & Fabulous Women’s Expo was put on by SHARPP in the Hamel Rec Center. If you missed it, no worries! This is an annual event put on for the UNH community. Tons of UNH organizations and student orgs had booths set up, including Her Campus! There was an awesome DJ, massages, DIYs of all kinds (my personal favorite being Spoon UNH’s overnight oats!) and SO MUCH MORE!



SHARPP is an amazing organization we have here on campus. SHARPP stands for Sexual Harassment and Rape Prevention Program, and they are here to help students! They put on all sorts of events throughout the year, and also created the YoU CaN Help Campaign- you may have seen signs or people wearing shirts around campus. SHARPP contributes so much to us having such a safe campus, so attend their events and meet the staff if you haven’t yet!




What was Her Campus doing there?

We had tons of free goodies to hand out- fan favorites included Benefit Roller Lash Mascara, BedHead Mini straighteners, HiChews, and planners! Getting to talk to people about what Her Campus is (how awesome we are) and what we do was really fun! It was worth trekking from Hamel Rec to MadCom through torrential downpours to get the banner for our table! #aesthetic :)





Thanks for a great event, SHARPP!


finding the good in every day  
This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!