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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

Soooo, hate to bring up a sore subject, but finals week is just around the corner. (Eek). Along with finals, comes stress. When we get stressed, we eat…WE STRESS EAT.

Stress eating is one of the most common habits us collegiettes develop around this time of the year.  The regret and pressure from missing class those days we were “sick” really adds up. So what do we do? We turn to food. Luckily, stress eating does not always have to be a negative habit, especially if you swap out the junk food with more healthful options. The following 6 snack-swapping alternatives can help you stay on track with your healthy lifestyle by keeping you full and alert as you study!


1. Fruit instead of candy

            Sweet tooth? Colorful fruits can satisfy your need for sugar just as well as a bag of skittles. Craving Sour Patch Watermelons? How about real watermelon! Studies have shown that some fruits can even improve memory recollection such as: strawberries, cantaloupe, tomatoes, plums, pineapple and kiwi. Ditch the poser sugar coated fruit candies, and go for the real deal.

2. Water instead of Redbull (or any other sugary drinks)

            Since your brain is mostly composed of water, it needs constant reinforcement to function properly. But just incase you’re still in the library late at night and need a boost of caffeine, swap the coffee or energy drink with hot tea. When brewed, tea releases many nutrients that help you relax and focus better. And not to mention you won’t have to experience those freaky jitters.


3. Luna Bar instead of candy bar

            These delicious treats are half the calories and claim to provide women with the “Core 4” vitamins and minerals important to maintain overall health: Calcium, Vitamin D, Iron, and Folic Acid. These superhero nutrients will really give you the strength you need to bang out the last two pages of that essay, or continue studying when you feel you have lost all hope and want to quit to become a full-time stripper. Just saying.

4. Almonds instead of chips

            Packing a bag of almonds for the library will give you the same methodic feeling as reaching into a bag of chips, but with less guilt! Almonds nourish the nervous system making studying a breeze, as well as providing healthy fats so you feel fuller for longer.


5. UNH Dairy Bar instead of McDonalds

            I don’t even think this needs much of an explanation……… so let me just express why I am in LOVE with this place. The Dairy Bar focuses on local sustainable food so whatever you choose to order, you can feel confident it is healthful and eco-friendly. The menu provides breakfast options, sandwiches, soups/salads, and ice cream. The Dairy Bar is a relaxing study break location to grab a bite with a friend, but if your study schedule is jam-packed you can always use their takeaway orders.

                                  (Obama likes it!)

6. Gum!

            Sometimes while studying we’re not actually hungry at all, and just need something to keep our mouths occupied (dirty). So grab your favorite pack of gum and start studying, Wildcats!

This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!