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Do Crystals Have an Influence on Manifestation?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

The practice of manifestation has been around since the late 1800’s, first being labeled as the “Law of Attraction”, as defined by Prentice Mulford, an American author who had a large impact on the discovery of this psychological self-help method. It’s risen to popularity over the past few years and has also become an important part of the daily routine for many people across the globe. Manifestation can be done through many specialized methods such as vision boards, gratitude journals and meditation. However, one of the most infamous methods of manifestation includes the usage of various crystals. It may seem a little silly at first, however, there’s a little bit of science to help support this method. Emma Halley, a crystal therapist and spiritual wellness coach, states that crystals carry an electric charge throughout a crystalline structure known as piezoelectricity. This is just a fancy word for the idea that a material can generate an internal electrical field when subjected to stress or strain. This may have some sort of influence on the crystal and affect its vibration as well as the user. Although there are not enough studies done to actually prove if this method works, it’s extremely important to keep an open mind and try it out since not all methods of manifestation are made for everyone.

Intrigued by the idea, I decided to try the crystal method out myself to see if it had any impact on me. Upon completing research on different crystals, I had found one crystal that seemed like a perfect first. I had chosen a rose quartz crystal, which is responsible for both attracting love as well as boosting feelings of self-love. Once I’d received my crystal, it was time to learn how to use it properly. Upon further research, it seemed as if there were many different ways in which the crystals can be used, however I had chosen a method that seemed both easy and efficient. The first part to this method was to set an intention for the rose quartz. Although there were specific formats that I had found, I decided that it would be best to write it in my own format, since it meant that it would be more personal to me. I wrote down my goals on a Post-It note, and then read it out loud afterwards. Once intentions were set, the second part of this method was to keep the crystal on my being for a period of time. I had chosen to wear my rose quartz as a necklace, so that it be on me at all times. My personal research showed no specific time limit for wearing the crystal, so I decided to wear it consecutively for ten days.

The Results?

Although I had my doubts, I noticed a significant increase in my self-love. It seemed as if wearing that rose quartz for ten days gave me a boost in my confidence and self-attraction. I started to love the parts of me I used to hate, and all of the little things that I used to nit-pick it seemed to just melt away disappear. I began to focus more on being the best version of myself without overanalyzing every antic I did. However, I didn’t really see any unique changes in my love life, which I am perfectly okay with. In conclusion to this little experiment with manifesting with crystals, I believe that it’s definitely worth trying to see if it works. If it doesn’t, just know that there are methods out there that are for you, and those are worth a shot as well!

UNH 2025 - Hi!! I'm Vivian Webster, a freshmen here at UNH :)