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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

Going into freshman year at UNH, we are overwhelmed with information about the school including which classes to take, which frats to steer clear from, and endless rumors about the school itself. Here’s the truth behind all of those UNH myths.


No one can tell that you’re a freshman


Take the lanyard off from around your neck and put down the tray, we can all tell that you’re a freshman. But no one cares. We were all freshmen once and we would all kill to go back and do it all over again so don’t worry about it. (But please stop pulling the cord on the bus to get off at the Whitt).


You can totally use a fake ID on campus


Don’t ever try this at UNH. The bouncers at Libby’s and Scorps are specifically trained to spot fake IDs and will immediately confiscate it and throw you out. This goes for misreps as well. The bouncers are scary good at their jobs. And why would you even want to go to bars freshman year? There are so many other things to do on this campus that you don’t need to be 21 for. Trust me, you’ll miss freshman year (check this out for why). Live up the frat life while you still enjoy it.


The frat guys are all players


Obviously some of them are, but that goes for all guys in general. You’re bound to encounter a few players along your college journey but don’t generalize this to specifically guys in frats. I know a lot of incredible guys in a bunch of different frats here on campus and they are some of the most genuine and good-hearted people I know. Be careful though, meeting a guy at a frat party, regardless of whether he’s in the frat or not, is usually not the best way to determine what kind of guy he is. The hook-up culture is alive and well at this school, especially at frats on weekends.


College boys are more mature


This is almost laughable because of how untrue it unfortunately is. College boys, especially freshman ones, are exactly like high school boys only with higher tolerances and newfound freedom. They will still play games with your head, never call you back, and try to hook up with your friends.


The “Freshman Fifteen”


No one gains fifteen pounds freshman year. Ever. Like you’ll gain a maximum of five pounds and that’s a pretty incredible feat considering all the walking you’ll be doing to frat row every weekend.


There’s laxatives in the food


First of all, I’m pretty sure it’s illegal to just sneak laxatives into college students’ food without their awareness of it. However, there is an abundance of fiber in the meals to clear food out quickly just in case there happens to be an incident involving food poisoning.


You will pull all-nighters


All-nighters are a common college myth but rarely have I heard of college students actually pulling them. Time management is everything and it’s easy to plan out enough time to both study and sleep especially when you only have a few classes a day.


Dressing up for class everyday is a thing


Unlike high school where everyone dresses to impress, yoga pants and a t-shirt is a perfectly acceptable outfit at UNH. The only days where this rule might have an exception is when the weather finally starts to get nice again in the Spring and everyone immediately breaks out their rompers. But when you go to a school where winter rules 80% of the year, it’s difficult to find the energy to put anything on but yoga pants and an oversized sweatshirt. 


You’ll never see anyone you know on campus


UNH may come off as a huge school at first but the further you get into it, the smaller it becomes. Trust me, the embarrassing things you do on the weekends will come back around to bite you.


There’s no more high school drama


Just because you’re not in high school anymore doesn’t mean that there’s no longer any drama in your life. There will always be roommate drama, boy drama, and friend drama but it’s just a part of life you have to accept.


Having a boyfriend will ruin the experience


You should probably create a core group of girlfriends first before you begin pursuing any boys on this campus but having a boyfriend will definitely not ruin your college experience. Check out this article for more information on that.

This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!