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8 Annoying Things Our Boyfriends Do

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

Our boyfriends can be so cute… But so dumb. Sometimes they do things and you think…WHAT THE HELL… But they think, I am so smooth! So before you attack him for being so dumb (for real), retract your claws and see what he is trying to do instead!

What he does:

Steals your pillow… right from under your head. (Thanks, no, the view of the ceiling is nice!)

What he’s doing:

Propping himself up better so you can cuddle with him in the perfect spot. (You’re a better pillow anyway.)


What he does:

Buys you a poster… the size of a regular piece of paper. (Wow! How… Thoughtful.)

What he’s doing:

Buying you a poster of a movie that reminds him of you two. (I guess we do kind of resemble Brangelina…)


What he does:

Gives you ridiculous pet nicknames. (PLUMP PUMPKIN???)

What he’s doing:

He’s saying you have all the curves in all the right places. (I mean… all the better to twerk with!)


What he does:

Makes you watch that horrible gory film you’ve been dreading. (Can’t we watch the Notebook?)

What he’s doing:

Making you watch a movie that he knows you won’t want to watch. (DOT DOT DOT)


What he does:

Won’t talk to you because he is studying. (Not even a little study break?)

What he’s doing:

Making sure he gets all his work done so he can spend his whole weekend with you. (Well that was smart.)


What he does:

Says you look better in flats. (No freaking way, these heels equal a killer butt.)

What he’s doing:

Keeping you on the dance floor all night long. (Wait, why aren’t my feet sore?)


What he does:

Won’t give you his jacket… (But it’s cold outside!)

What he’s doing:

Making you cold so he can put his arm around you to warm you up. (It’s like my own personal heater.)


What he does:

Eats the entire appetizer. (Its fine, I guess you think I’m fat.)

What he’s doing:

Allowing you to eat the entire dessert. (OH MY GOD I’VE FOUND TRUE LOVE!)