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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

Being almost a second semester senior in college, there are some things that I have learned about not only myself, but other students in the same boat as me. Graduating in May is a scary thing to think about because that means our structure is gone. Going back to school in August is all we’ve known since kindergarten and now moving forward to start the next chapter is a structure that has to now be adjusted and recreated. College gives you new experiences, new adventures, and new friends but when it is time to take our diploma and turn our tassels, there is a whole new world to conquer. Here are four things that I have realized throughout this adventure: 

  1. Time flies: I know I know- everyone always tells you that, but it is honestly so true. I remember the first day of move in freshman year like it was yesterday. I didn’t realize how fast time goes by until it actually happened to me. You might think that it’s going by slow but before you know it, you will be in my position in a blink of an eye reminiscing on the memories you’ve made, friends you’ve created and hours of studying you’ve spent in that one class. To make sure that I don’t miss anything, making a bucket list of the things I haven’t gotten to do yet will ensure that you reach the peak of your college experience. Get a bunch of friends together and accomplish that bucket list because before you know it, you have run out of time, and you are standing on stage in your cap and gown 
  2. Your real friends: Through your life, you are going to gain and lose a variety of friends, but the ones that are true to you will stay in your life. Since high school, I have lost numerous friends but I have also gained more in college. Friends can come and go but your self-worth is what needs to stay. Having loyal companions around you who support and push you to be better is what a real friend does. Some may think it is the end of the world when a friendship ends however, I like to believe that everything happens for a reason and if that person cared enough, they would fight to be in your life.
  3. Don’t stress the little things: This is something my dad has always told me. Whenever I’m stressed about an assignment that is due or an exam, I tend to procrastinate and am not able to give my full potential. The grade you get on one exam, or one late assignment is not going to detour your future occupation you want to pursue. As long as you are doing your best and prioritizing, you will succeed. Even if it is not the grade you were hoping to receive, there isn’t an attempt that shouldn’t be rewarded especially if you put in the work.
  4. It is okay to not know what the next chapter looks like: At the beginning of this year, I had a set image in my mind that everyone needs to get a professional job right out of college, or you are not getting anything out of your college degree. This is far from true. There are so many people that start out as waitresses when they graduate and that is okay. There is no time limit on life. Everything should be taken at your own speed, and you can start looking for a job based on your degree when you are ready. 

College is not an easy process, but it does go by fast and taking in the experience is crucial. Graduation is really just right around the corner!

My name is Madison Sullivan and I am from a small town in Connecticut called North Branford. I am a Business Management major with a minor in HMP and I am not sure exactly what I want to do when I graduate. My hobbies include reading when I have time, going to the gym, and playing with my dog, Buddy.