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Celina Timmerman-Oversized Tshirt And Cup
Celina Timmerman-Oversized Tshirt And Cup
Celina Timmerman / Her Campus

10 Ways to Reset During Spring Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

The infamous “Spring Break” tends to come around right before or after midterm season. Although spring break is known for being a fun time of year, it can also be used as a pivot point in the school year. Many of us have big assignments and exams around this time, so it is common for stress to be heightened. Here are 10 things to do during spring break to combat this mid-semester stress:

1.Take time for yourself

Do what makes you happy. We all have unique qualities and hobbies, so do what you love while you have time off from school.

2. Catch up with old friends

Your high school and childhood friends miss you as much as you miss them. Grab some coffee or lunch and fill each other in on your life updates.

3. Sleep

School and sleep don’t always go hand-in-hand. Take this time to catch up on some Z’s.

4. Visit family

Although your college friends may feel like family, your parents, grandparents, and siblings miss you dearly! Stop by a relative’s house and tell them about your semester.

5. Pick up a book

Use your free time to unwind with a classic novel. Free your mind of social media and get lost in a new genre.

6. Eat at your favorite restaurants

While you have some free time at home, eat at places that you have been craving for months.

7. Self-reflect on your 2022 goals

Write down what you are grateful for so-far during 2022 and reassess what you want the rest of the year to look like.

8. Get organized for the final stretch of the semester

Fill out your calendar or planner, buy some sticky notes, and clean out your folders. You got this!

9. Get active

Try to get 30 minutes of movement a day. Whether it’s a walk, yoga, or a cycling class, move your body!

10. Treat yourself

Go shopping (whether it’s online or in person), buy yourself an ice cream sundae, or indulge in an extra-large pizza!

I am a Nutrition Major and I love to cook and bake! I love going to the gym and playing hockey or soccer when I can!