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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

After the East Coast got hit with blizzard-like conditions this past weekend, I realized that there are many tips that people may forget when preparing for a snowstorm. These are just a few that I know have helped me in the past and hopefully they can help you as well.

1. Salt driveways and walkways before the storm hits

  • If you salt before the storm hits, there’s less of a chance that ice will develop and freeze overnight once the snow starts to melt. 

2. Have a generator on standby in case power goes out.

  • A small backup generator from your local Walmart or Target is a great thing to have on standby in case your electricity goes out. It can be a small portable one that holds enough power to charge a phone, computer, or a lamp or invest in a more powerful one if you know your power goes out frequently.

3. Stock up on non-perishable food and bottled water

  • The last thing you want is to run out of food and water if you are stuck inside for a few days. Non-perishable foods are great to have handy if you’re unable to use your stove, oven, or microwave. They last quite long and are filling enough to get you through the storm. A small tip is to buy these things a few days before the storm because many last-minute shoppers will be clearing the shelves the day before the storm hits.

4. Have a whistle in case of emergencies

  • A great thing to have, especially if you live far away from others, is a whistle. You can use it during emergency situations to signal to others far away that you may need some help. It can also be a great thing to have in your car in case you get trapped on the road during bad weather conditions.

5. Make sure you have candles

  • Candles are not only useful for making your home smell delicious, they can also provide you with some light in case your electricity goes out. It’s great to have a few that you know will last you multiple hours.

6. Board games

  • If you have roommates or live with your family, a few board games or card games can help pass the time while having some fun. They’re a great way to bond with others and take your mind off of the terrible conditions outside.

7. Warm items, like blankets and heavy clothes (fuzzy socks)

  • The last thing you want is to be shivering if your heat goes out and it’s freezing inside. I recommend stocking up on a few heavy blankets and making sure you have clothes to keep you warm. Dressing in layers is always a good choice, so you can add more clothes or take some off depending on the temperature. I know we all love fuzzy socks, which are great for the winter and you can buy them at places for only a few dollars.

8. Get your hands on a good shovel

  • In case you have to shovel your car out or clear some walkways you should make sure you have a good shovel before the storm hits. It’s a great investment that your future self will thank you for when the next storm rolls around.

9. Fill your gas tank up and have extra for a generator

  • Make sure to fill your car up with gas and get extra gas for your generator, snow blower and other items you may have. Some storms can be unpredictable and there may be a gas shortage that could leave you completely stuck at home for multiple days at a time.

10. Build a snow man

  • Last but not least, go outside and make a snowman. Sometimes winter snowstorms can really dampen your mood, so it’s good to take a break and enjoy the weather sometimes.
Instagram: @alexaoleary Communication Major
This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!