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We Are Extending Our Deadline!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

Getting back into school after a long summer of relaxation is pretty tough and we know that the struggle is real. So, that is why we decided to give you extra time to work on your application! Our application is now due on 9/9 at 11:59pm. 

If you are interested in PR, event planning, marketing, writing or just want to pick up a new hobby then click here to apply to be a part of Her Campus UNCW! We are looking for talented and dedicated UNCW students to be a part of our team. Our goal is to entertain, inform and inspire the students at UNCW with our content. So, come joining our fantastic team and get an experience of a lifetime! 

If you have any further questions about our organization or our application feel free to email uncw@hercampus.com!