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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

Unless you live under a rock, you’ve probably heard about Taylor Swift’s new single “Look What You Made Me Do,” which is basically a giant revenge song against the people that have started beef with Taylor in the past.  The music video premiered at the VMAS last Sunday, and fans have gone wild trying to figure out the hidden meanings and references in all of the lyrics and shots from the video.

Last semester, I wrote an article (my first Her Campus article ever!) called “A Typical School Week, as Told by the Office.” This article is the sequel: A Typical School Week, as Told by ‘Look What You Made Me Do’ Gifs.


Okay, how did Taylor get footage of me waking up for my 8 AM? All of us feel like the undead getting up for those ridiculously early morning classes. That is, until we can get coffee.  Then it’s a little easier to function.  


“I’m sorry, the old Rachel can’t come to the phone right now…Why? Oh, cause she’s drowning in work and it is only Tuesday. Call again Friday.”


What do you mean I still have two days of class until the weekend?  Circa 2009 Taylor Swift sobbing over her guitar is my Wednesday mood.  Cheer up, Taylor!  It’s hump day!


This gif perfectly describes that terrible feeling when you wake up thinking it’s Friday, but it’s still only Thursday, and it feels like Life just kicked you in the face. We’re almost there…we’ve almost made it…


YES. It’s finally the weekend. Young, pre-Reputation Taylor Swift is giving Friday two thumbs up.  Friday can do no wrong.  So go out there and enjoy yourself, and by that I mean scour the internet for more hints in the music video and listen to  “Look What You Made Me Do” on repeat.

As a Taylor Swift fan from day one, I am very excited to see what Taylor Swift has planned for the rest of her new album. I’m glad she’s fighting back against the bad press–You go Taylor!


How I feel when my professors start talking about finals and the semester JUST STARTED:

Gifs courtesy of giphy.com.

Rachel is a senior and Creative Writing major/English minor at UNCW. She loves to write about entertainment and often publishes listicles on her favorite movies, music, and TV. Rachel is probably rereading the Percy Jackson books, watching comedy specials on Netflix, or petting a dog right about now. Sometimes, she's doing all three.