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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

Halloween falls on a Tuesday this year, which is a tragedy, but college students are such adaptable creatures–we’re just gonna party the weekend before. My friends and I will be observing Halloweekend from the 27th to the 29th, so here are the tips I plan to follow during the next week or so to prepare. 

1. Get More Sleep.   You might be losing some Z’s on Halloweekend. While it’s true that you can’t “make up” any lost sleep, it really is helpful to get a little bit of extra rest leading up to a time when you won’t be sleeping as much. Think of it as a preventative measure to keep you from being exhausted on Friday night before you even make it out of the pregame. 

2. Finish Your Homework Early.  There is actually nothing scarier than a Blackboard “Assignment Due Soon” notification when you’re already 3 drinks deep downtown. Make a timeline of things that are due between now and the week of the 30th so that you’re not surprised by any assignments when you check your planner before you go back to classes after Halloweekend. Then get your work done early so that you can relax and let loose! 

3. Drink More Water.   The two weeks before my 21st birthday, I was drinking 2 liters of water a day so that the alcohol I knew I’d be enjoying wouldn’t dehydrate me as easily. The best way to prevent a hangover (or help alleviate your symptoms if you get one) is drinking water—so why not start early? I’ve always been a big fan of drinking more water than anything else, so that goes for every drink from coffee to fishbowls at the bar. Your body will appreciate the extra hydration the next morning. 

4. Wear Less Makeup.  Even if you’re not doing “scary” makeup for Halloween, you’ll likely be wearing more than usual when it’s time to dress up. If you give your skin a break in the days leading up to Halloweekend, it won’t be as tragic when you get home at 3 AM and trade in your usual skincare routine for a makeup wipe. 

As always, celebrate responsibly this Halloweekend — don’t do anything illegal, watch your drinks, go everywhere in pairs…y’know. 

[All photos courtesy of Pexels.com]

Olivia is a senior at UNCW, majoring in Creative Writing. She enjoys color coding all things possible and hanging string lights year-round.