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Meet McKenzie & Welcome To Her Crib

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

McKenzie Richardson is a sophomore who lives in the on-campus suites at UNCW. McKenzie has a more laid back personality that definitely shines. I took a look into her room where she showed her style through decorations and personal touches. 

McKenzie is a sister of Alpha Delta Pi, which is displayed on her door (super cute btw)! 

Some small decorations placed under her lofted bed gave a little bit of an edgy feel. Obviously, by placing her dresser and accessories under her bed she can have optimal room for spacing, decor, etc. 

Take a few steps over and this is where I felt her personality really began to come out when it comes to decorating. The couch comfortably draped with grays and whites, and a huge tapestry covering the central wall consisting of black and white gave the room more of an earthy feel. This definitely matches McKenzie’s chic personality and style made of neutrals with hints of colors. 

This was my favorite decoration in her room! The mix of pictures, quotes and shapes gives comfort to the room! Definitely cuter than anything I could have came up with! Again these neutrals produce that boho look that McKenzie was shooting for! The soft room lighting is almost perfect for someone like McKenzie who chooses less neons and rich colors and more soft, subtle choices. A very comfy choice for sure. 

When facing outwards, she has constructed an array of very artsy pictures combined with the traditional clothes pins on stringed lights! Her choice of taking it to the next level and covering the entire wall was dedication that paid off! The lights combined with the aesthetics of the images plastered is a sight to see for sure.

Working with the space and adding personal touches definitely shows McKenzie’s personality, and she for sure has one of the cutest rooms I have seen! I would rate McKenzie’s crib a solid 10!


[All photos courtesy of McKenzie Richardson]