Being and staying vegan throughout the holidays can be tough, not only with the smell of delicious food being cooked at every corner, but the fact that there just may not be any options for us! Here are some tips and advice to follow through the season:
1. Decide why you are vegan/plant-based.
A good place to start is to ask yourself why you decided to become vegan. Many people on a vegan diet have moral reasoning as to why they decide to cut all animal products out of their diet, some are due to religion, and some are due to health. If your anything like me, I decided to become vegan for health reasons, and you might be totally against eating meat, but open to a small amount of cheese every once in a while. Depending on why you chose to be animal-product free, you can decide what being vegan or plant-based means to you! For example, if you’re comfortable with occasionally consuming dairy products in moderation, you may be more open to eating foods prepared with non-vegan items. If this is not you, please keep reading!
2. Eat the side dishes as your main meal.
Most Thanksgiving cooks prepare at least one to two side dishes that can be vegan. For example, yams, mashed potatoes (with vegan butter of course), and other roasted vegetables. Although it may require some communication with the cook that you have some diet preferences, these are very easy adjustments. A plate full of delicious cooked vegetables is not too bad when you’re a vegan, it is even preferred!
3. Offer to cook!
If you are finding that you would prefer to be in charge of the vegan dishes to eat this holiday season, try to provide some delicious options that everyone can eat. A common misconception about vegans is that there are not that many options for us, but the truth is that there are endless options! Vegetables can be prepared hundreds of delicious ways and combinations. Add in some artisan bread and you’ve created a masterpiece. Some may be scared of the term “vegan” when you present a dish but they will soon fall in love. Nothing is better than a healthy meal that does not weigh your body down with all of those meat and dairy products.
4. Listen to your body.
When people ask me how I have been able to stick with a plant-based diet so well, there is no simpler answer than I just trust how my body feels. While eating delicious food this year, listen to your body! Like I said before, if you’re comfortable with non-vegan products in moderation, go for it, but pay attention. When your body feels like it’s had enough, it probably has.
One thing people tend to forget is that no one is measuring your level of commitment to your diet. Whether you want to be 100% vegan, only vegan on Mondays, or dip your cheese-less pizza crust in ranch every now and then, it is up to you! Â Trust your body and do what makes YOU feel good.