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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

It’s that time of year. Everyone is anticipating the new semester and the month-long winter break. However, before the festivities commence, we must keep in mind the period of time that stands in between now and then- final exams. Believe it or not, these exams do not have to be as dreadful as normally expected. Using these five tips ensures that finals will not be as stressful as you think!

1. Figure out which study plan works for you.

There are many different types of learners out there. There are kinesthetic learners, visual learners, auditory learners, and more. That being said, figure out which strategy works best for you. Whether it is watching multiple crash course videos, creating an organized and aesthetically-pleasing outline, or testing your knowledge via quizlet, find your master plan.

2. Rewarding yourself during breaks.

It is very important to take breaks during your countless hours of studying. However, it is also necessary to reward yourself to keep you motivated. Whether this is buying yourself something you’ve been wanting for a while or watching an episode of your favorite binge-worthy TV show, take some time to appreciate your hard work. 

3. Practicing self-care during your time-off.

Self-care is extremely underrated. This technique prevents you from becoming overly stressed or anxious. Self-care gives you time to unwind, de-stress, and recenter your focus. Self-care ranges from taking a hot bath to reading a book or just doing something new. It helps keep your mind clear, which is important for a busy schedule. 

4. Unplugging your devices.

This is the most crucial aspect of studying, which is often neglected. Unplugging your devices such as your phone allows you to focus on what’s important and stay away from distractions. Turning off message notifications on your computer and putting away your phone makes studying faster and more efficient. 

[Photos courtesy of Highlander OnlinePinterest and The Odyssey]