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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

Need a little extra push to achieve the internship of your dreams? Look no further! The girls at Her Campus know how it feels to send out what seems like endless resumes and not always get a response, but hopefully some of these tips will help you like they’ve helped us! 

1. Have a killer resume

In order to stand out from the crowd, you have to fine tune your resume to perfection. You want to try to make sure that everything is organized, easy to read, and speaks volumes to your character. Be witty but don’t overcompensate for yourself; your potential employer should think you’re qualified but not self-centered. Quality definitely outweighs quantity in the resume world–you should do your best to include things that are relevant only to the job you’re applying for. For example, your fashion internship probably doesn’t need to know that you flipped burgers at you local fast food joint the summer after junior year of high school! 

2. Send a follow up email

Wait a week after you turn your application in to various employers and send a follow up email to reiterate your interest in the position. You should only send one email though, as you want to seem proactive but not overly aggressive. This email should be friendly, readable, and concise. Say again why you think you would be a good fit for the position and let the hiring manager know that you’re eagerly awaiting their response. NOTE: don’t attach your resume to the email, they already have it!

3. Research about the company you’re applying for

Whether you’ve submitted five resumes or one, you should be proficient in identifying the goals of each company. If your interviewer asks you who the CEO of the company is and you can’t give an answer, chances are you just got knocked down a couple pegs on their list of potential hires. You want to be well-versed but not a suck up, not every goal of yours needs to align with theirs but there definitely should be a noticeable overlap 

4. Apply to lots of internships

In terms of sending out applications, the more there are circulating around the better of a chance you have at landing a dream internship. Websites like internmatch.com, internships.com, or internqueen.com have tons of listings and make it super easy for you to send out your resume! The reservoir of internship opportunities that exist online are virtually endless, and you’ll be sure to find something tailored to what you want in a place that you love! Also, don’t count out internships in your hometown–you may be surprised at what you find! 

5. Prepare yourself for interviews

Make sure not to ‘um um uhh’ your way into silence. Be pragmatic, approachable and likable. Appear interested and dress appropriately if the interview is in person. The person who is interviewing you should be able to immediately be able to tell how interested and serious you are about the position. Don’t forget to ask the interviewer questions, too! If you have any concerns about pay, when the next step of the interview process is, or even want to ask them what their favorite part of working for the company is, be sure to speak up!


Happy applying and good luck from Her Campus!