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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

Lately, the brand House of Harlow has caught my eye! For those of you who aren’t familiar with the brand House of Harlow 1960, which sells women’s clothes, accessories, etc., Nicole Richie created it in 2009 and immerses herself into each design. Nicole said, “fashion gives you the ability to express yourself, your mood; it’s a creative outlet in many ways.” This is what they revolve their brand around.

House of Harlow is worn by not only celebrities, but also women everywhere. You can find House of Harlow at bevello in Mayfair shopping centre in Wilmington. This brand is so inspiring and their collection is amazing and only getting bigger and better. So hop on the House of Harlow train this season and get yourself some stylish jewelry or clothes.