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The Fine Line Between Cockiness and Confidence

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

We all have that one confident friend. The one that who is always sure of themselves, knows just what to do in any situation, and has all the answers. This friend would be viewed as confident. But, what if this friend started bragging about their talents all the time? When would their confidence turn into cockiness?

It is important for everyone to find the fine line between cockiness and confidence. The reason being that sometimes being around someone who is constantly praising him or herself can lead you to chip away at your own confidence of sharing your own fortunes.


Here are some tips to tell if you or someone else is being confident or cocky:

1.     Confidence comes from one having enough trust in him or herself to complete a task. If they have ever failed at something, then they will learn from their mistake and find a way to fix it the next time.

2.     Cockiness comes from arrogance. This arrogance can be feed by the constant praise or privilege that one may have gotten when they were younger.

3.     When someone is confident, they carry themselves in style. They are proud to be who they are and have a resilient and giving spirit.

4.     When someone is cocky, their arrogance will determine their action or reaction in everything. They will flaunt their possessions, and will sulk at any losses.

5.     Confident people are those who listen.

6.     Cocky people are those who talk…. too much.

7.     A confident person realizes that they are human, and that they are no better or worse than anyone in this world.

8.     Cocky people go to extremes and can and will place blame on other people, or never seeing their faults.


Most people will fall in the middle of the spectrum, and have their cocky moments as well as their humble confident moments; however, it is important that everyone tries to stay on the confident on the side, and learn to appreciate every opportunity that is offered to him or her.


Hello! My name is Stephanie Spencer and I am a sophomore at University of North Carolina Wilmington. I am interested in PR, and one day I want to move to Chicago and work for a company that will allow me to travel the world. I love to read and write and I have too many dreams and aspirations.