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Studying or Sleeping: Which is More Important?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCG chapter.

It may seem more practical to study for exams the night before but in reality it is actually detrimental to not just to your health but to your grades. Studies has shown that getting a good night’s rest is more beneficial than staying up all night studying. Memory recall and ability to concentrate are better when you are rested. As you get more and more sleepy throughout the night, it is harder to retain information. Coffee is not a good substitution for sleep either.

Of course a good tip is to study in advance, a few days ahead of the exam. However, with exams all being within the same week this is not always realistic.

One useful tip, is to divide and conquer. Make a schedule of both sleep and studying time. Studying in bursts makes it easier to retain the information and give your brain a break. If studying makes you miss vital sleep it adds to the problem. A good night’s sleep is the key to doing well on exams.


a writer and editor for the UNCG chapter of Her Campus.
Hannah Trudeau is a co-correspondent for Her Campus at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. She is an International Business and Information Systems/ Supply Chain Management double major and is minoring in French. She would love to travel the world one day for work as she loves to learn about different countries and cultures. In her free time, Hannah enjoys reading and catching up with friends.