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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCG chapter.

This is a brand new semester and a brand new year. With the new year brings different opportunities and a new perspective on life. New year, new me. Right? This is the type of thinking that everybody starts out with. For the first few weeks we see a change in ourselves that makes it look like this year is going to be a better year. But then old you comes out of the darkness and next thing you know procrastination and laziness come back. Don’t stress about it too much because I have come up with a few tips to keep the old you from taking over.

1. Be Realistic and Start Small

Start out by making one change at a time. Ease in to the changes that you want to make instead of doing the most. Once you have one habit down, you can move on to bigger and harder tasks. 2. It doesn’t have to be a new year’s resolution

Once you consider this a new years resolution you’ll always think you should start over next year if you slip up. Instead of thinking “well there’s always next year,” think about tomorrow.

3. Get others to help motivate you

Try teaming up with friends who have the same goals as you or who those who will encourage you. Having that support will go a long way.

4. Stay focused

The best way to stick to your goal is to visualize the outcome you want to achieve. Keep your eyes on the prize and don’t give up.

5. Stay Positive

Your mindset during this time is the most important thing that will lead to success. Positive thoughts will lead to positive results and negative thoughts will lead to negative results.

My name is Morgan Collins, I am 21 years old and I am currently enrolled at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro as a Senior. I am a Media Studies Major and I am interested in photography as well.