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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UMKC chapter.

As college students, it is hard to find time to take a breather, let alone set time aside for yourself. However, some of our biggest changes happen in our twenties and it is therefore important to ensure we are setting time aside to truly know ourselves. It is so easy to get lost in the monotony of college, or even turn to vices during our lowest moments instead of actively working on ourselves. Being in tune with our emotions is uncomfortable, but that is what makes the process of healing and working on yourself so much more fruitful. Taking time to better yourself, for yourself is essential toward growing into a more self-aware individual. With that being said, these are some things I have started to incorporate into my lifestyle to develop a healthy relationship with myself.


I was recently gifted the Self-Reflection Kit from We Are Not Really Strangers and it is quite possibly one of the best gifts I’ve ever received. With 52 cards that contain various prompts and a journal to match, I’ve made it a part of my nightly routine to pull a card and pen my emotions down. Some of my favorite prompts to date include, “What insecurity has been holding me back the most?”, “What do I need to get off my chest?” and, “What’s the best gift I can give myself in this chapter of my life?” At times, I do find myself uncomfortable with some of the prompts, but that is where true healing and growth happen. This kit made me purchase the Self-Love Edition, which I am excited to use next.

Showing the love you give others to Yourself

Being an empathetic person means that there have been times where I’ve poured love and compassion into someone else, when I needed that same kindness for myself. I’ve now made it a point to ensure that I am actively taking care of and treating myself with grace and compassion. This can look like taking yourself out to coffee, deleting social media when you feel like it is toxic and having a mental health day. It is important to incorporate these self-care activities into your routine so that you are consistently showing care toward yourself. 

Positive Affirmations

As a person who struggles with imposter syndrome and self-doubt, positive affirmations have done wonders for my mental health. Incorporating positive affirmations in your life can look like replacing every negative thought with a positive one and surrounding yourself with positive affirmations. This might seem small and/or insignificant, but the power of words definitely should not be underestimated. As for me personally, I incorporate positive affirmations by starting my day by saying an affirmation out loud to set my intentions for the day.

I hope some of these things will help you kickstart your journey into becoming a more self-aware individual. Being present with yourself can be scary, but growing as an individual will allow you to attract more positive experiences and enjoy life to the fullest. 

Krit graduated with English and Chemistry degrees from UMKC. As the President and founder of UMKC’s chapter, she hopes HC UMKC will continue to create content that inspires students. Some of her favorite things include coffee and writing.