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The Best Astrology Apps to Learn More About Yourself

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UMKC chapter.

Over the last couple of years, I have become increasingly interested in my star sign & astrology. I’m not one to be superstitious or base my decisions on what “the stars have in store for me” or off a palm reading that my friends and I do for fun at sleepovers. To me, astrology is a way to connect with friends and learn more about yourself and your personality. Here are two of my favorite apps that I use to learn about my astrological sign (and my friends’ signs too).


Co –– Star

This was one of the very first astrology apps I downloaded and I absolutely love it! The simplistic design and the ability to add all your friends makes the app really fun to use. The account set up was super easy, it even allowed me to send a message to my mom to ask for my time of birth. After completing the setup, Co –– Star provides you with your full chart. Before Co––Star, I never thought about my rising sign or my moon sign and needless to say, I have learned a lot about my different signs and what each of them mean. By adding your friends, you can compare your charts, different personality traits and even an update of the day to see any challenges and harmonies between the both of you. Co –– Star even will send you daily reminders if you have notifications on. This app is super fun if you are just beginning to explore astrology and want to drag your friends down the astrology rabbit hole too!

The Pattern

Over the summer, this app went viral when Channing Tatum discovered how scarily accurate it was. The video of Tatum close to tears was intriguing to many as to what secrets this app might hold. I was one of the many that went and downloaded it to see what all the fuss was about. Unfortunately, the app had crashed due to the response to that video, so close to a week after I originally downloaded it, I opened it back up and created an account. I wanted to see if this app actually knew anything about me and surprisingly it did. Reading the many “patterns” is super cool because you can look at the past, present and future dates and even compare your patterns with your friends! According to the description in the app, The Pattern betters your understanding of your own strengths and challenges, as well as those of your friends! Overall, The Pattern is an intriguing app that does provide some super accurate advice that you just might be needing to hear.

In college, we try to learn more about ourselves and I find that astrology is a fun way to learn and grow! I hope you enjoy these apps as much as I do! Also, if astrology isn’t your thing but rather astronomy, I highly recommend the SkyView app. It is fun on a clear night to go outside and find some constellations in the big open sky! Go find some stars (both your star sign and actual stars!)

Amira is currently a senior at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. She is always smiling with a kombucha in her hand & blasting her multiple Céline Dion CD's in her car because duh, the radio can't beat Céline Dion. On any given day she will gladly talk your ear off about Grey's Anatomy, stronger background checks for gun purchases and why immigrants are some of the most important members of our society.
Krit graduated with English and Chemistry degrees from UMKC. As the President and founder of UMKC’s chapter, she hopes HC UMKC will continue to create content that inspires students. Some of her favorite things include coffee and writing.