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A Tribute to Trans Activists

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UK chapter.

It is undeniable that the process of learning one’s self-identity and self-worth is a challenging task for those who end up changing their biological sex. Being transgender is relating to a person whose sense of personal identity and gender does not correspond with their sex at birth.


However, life as a trans person can be much more complicated than that between understanding why they feel uncomfortable in their body and struggling to be accepted.


However, my recent stumbling upon a YouTube video entitled “10 Transgender Celebrities We All Admire” sparked my interest in doing more research on which celebrities had the courage to come out. It makes it easier for me to know that there are amazing role models out there that encourage young people to dare to be different. To stand out. To be themselves.


I think this is a vital, important message that should be received at a young age. I am excited to share some of these truly influential icons with you guys!


If you have not watched Geena Rocero’s TED Talk “Why I Must Come Out,” I would definitely recommend it.


Geena, originally from the Philippines, started participating in pageants when she was a teenager and later on became a professional model for fashion and beauty companies around the world. When her mom convinced her to move to America at the age of nineteen, she changed her name to Geena and as well as her license to say “F” for female. This was a huge liberation for her. After her long journey of becoming who she felt she was inside, she had finally made it.


Geena Rocero at TED Talk. (Photo courtesy of blog.ted.com)


Some of her friends, colleagues and even her agent were not aware that she started her life classified as a boy. Geena explains that her situation is unique but she is not alone. Not alone at all.


At the beginning of her TED Talk, Geena says that we are “put in boxes from our very birth by our family, religion, society, moment in history, and even our own bodies.” She goes on to say that we must have the courage to break free from these boxes and to not accept the limitations that are thrown on us based on how we look or what group we belong to.


Her message is a powerful one and it encompasses the exact courage it takes for someone to be true to themselves despite society’s standards.


Other well-known trans community activists include, but are not limited to: Laverne Cox, Jazz Jennings, Janet Mock, Christine Jorgenson, Kye Allums, Carmen Cererra and Ali Forney. I believe that being true and confident in your self-worth is one of the best things you can do.


Learning more about their experiences through their stories convinced me that they are paving the way and evoking inspiration that we can all be who we need to be without fear of judgment.




Thumbnail photo by Charlotte Butcher

Hi all, I'm Paige. You could find me outside or making art. I'm inspired to take on another semester leading a great group of girls at UK!