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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UK chapter.

Things We Take for Granted:


1. Indie Bands


Because you can’t listen to Cleopatra by The Lumineers or All I Want by Kodaline without feeling complete euphoria.


2. Montana

Take a drive through Glacier National Park and you’ll know what I mean. I’m convinced nothing bad ever happens in Montana.


3. Waterfalls


Waterfalls are a phenomenon that humans don’t deserve. Take the time to really stop and watch a couple thousand gallons of water cascading down a cliff and tell me you aren’t amazed. (see also: Montana)


4. Fried food


Need I say more? Either its fried or its served with cheese. ‘Merica.


5. Hammocks


If you’ve gone more than a few months without grabbing a good book and vegging on a hammock…. You better have a good reason.\


6. Local libraries


Free books and movies and a quiet place to escape… why aren’t we taking advantage of these things more often?


7. Winter


For those of us that actually get to experience it, we are lucky. White Christmases. Canceled classes.. Winter sports. Stop complaining that the roads aren’t salted and enjoy staying inside with a cup of hot chocolate



A few more that need recognition: kittens, candles, BUBBLE BATHS, ice water after a run, electric blankets, Disney movies, Chick- fil-a, Ed Sheeran, neti pots, crunchy leaves in the fall, feather pillows, fuzzy socks, old people, J.K. Rowling, Vick’s scented tissues, corndogs, Shrek 1, Shrek 2, Shrek 3, Amazon Prime, aquariums, tomato soup

Lauren identifies herself as a fun-loving daughter of The King. She is studying Journalism at the University of Kentucky and plans on pursuing a career as a book editor. She is infatuated with her role as a sister in Chi Omega at UK but her roots are planted in southern Ohio. She is an avid reader, hammock dweller, animal lover, and coffee sipper. Her aim is to never let the grandeur of of this world (especially this university) go unnoticed.
My name is Sydney E. Baker, but mostly people call me Slim. As a junior at the University of Kentucky, I am pursuing a B.A in Integrated Strategic Communication (a mouthful I know but I wouldn't have it any other way). During my studies, I am focused on building my professional self - which basically means staying so busy that I hardly get a wink of sleep. I previously served as the Campus Correspondent for the UK chapter of Her Campus and before that I was only a writer. To know more about me visit http://www.linkedin.com/in/sydneyebaker.