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Meal Prepping for the Busy College Student

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UK chapter.

Photo courtesy of pexels.com


Eating healthy and appropriately can be difficult when classes and work take up most of your day. Preparing a home cooked meal on those busy days is even more difficult because you are tired and just want to relax. Meal prepping is a great alternative to daily cooking and eating out, because all you have to do is grab a container and go.


Meal prepping is when you prepare a few days or a weeks worth of meals in one day and store them away for daily meals throughout the week. This plan is very beneficial for those trying to diet, those who are busy and those who do not like to cook daily. It is also very easy.


First, you need to plan out your meal for the week; for example, chicken, pasta and vegetables would be a good meal plan.


Next, if you want to prepare the meals to take with you to class, you should plan to prepare your meals on Sunday. On Sunday you should be prepared to make five meals, one for each weekday. Set out five containers and start to make your food. You can season your chicken in different ways to change things up throughout the week and add different pasta and vegetables to each container. In each container you will layer a portion of pasta, vegetables and chicken.


After you have prepared your meals for the week you will want to store them in the refrigerator (if you want to store food for long periods of time you can put them in the freezer).


Finally, grab your meal and go!


One good thing about meal prepping is that you will save money while also eating well. Meal plans vary on the type of food you enjoy, but it is as simple as that. For some simple meal prepping ideas visit: http://dailyburn.com/life/health/meal-prep-ideas-healthy-eating/

I may never win a Pulitzer, but I will be doing something that makes me happy and I would not change that.