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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UK chapter.

With shorts weather here and finals season approaching, we all can’t wait to be to done with this semester and spend the summer with our hometown friends. However, it is also a sad time where we have to say goodbye to college and leave our school friends for a few months.


To get through the highs and lows of the next few weeks, I decided to put together a little list of guidelines to make the most of the end of the semester and finish the year strong.


  • Get Ahead

Knowing that finals will be here soon, it is best to get work done ahead of time so you won’t be pulling too many all-nighters later on. Try and finish any assignments that you already know you will have so that you can focus all of your attention on those final few tests.


  • Make Checklists

This is something I do year-round, but especially love during finals season. Having a checklist of everything I need to do, whether it’s completing a homework assignment or going to get groceries, holds me accountable for actually getting it done. Plus, it’s pretty satisfying drawing a straight line through your task once its completed.


  • Need Extra Credit? ASK NOW.

Now’s your last chance to ask a teacher for an extra credit opportunity. Email them politely or speak to them after class. Let them know you are struggling and your grade isn’t where you hoped it would be by now, so you would like to know if there are any extra credit opportunities you can do before the year ends. If the professor agrees, this also gives you a little more flexibility with your grade on your final test.


  • Take Care of Yourself

Yes, school is important, and these last few weeks are grind time. But, don’t forget to sleep. Or eat. Or just simply take a night off to relax. Your body and mind will be more productive if you treat it with care during this stressful time.


  • Socialize

Again, school comes first. But, don’t forget to hang out with your friends. Squeeze some lunch dates and fun nights into your schedule to break up all of the schoolwork. Otherwise, you will leave for the summer and regret not spending more social time with people.


  • Explore

Most of you reading this probably go to college in a different town or even state than where you are from, and where you will be this summer. So, take this opportunity to explore what’s around you while the weather is nice. Maybe you will learn something new about your college town—and it’s a great way to make memories with your friends.


  • Be a Girl Boss

As I said earlier, it’s grind time. This means that every minute of every day should be used to your advantage. Use time in between your classes to get assignments done, if you don’t already do. Wake up half an hour earlier than you usually do and go for a jog. Utilize the extra time you have in your day to be productive. And, enjoy not so fun time in classes or meetings—at least you are with your friends and most likely learning something very valuable. Be a girl on the go, with a kick-ass work ethic and awesome time-management skills so that you can make the most of a 24-hour day.


Hopefully these tips help you manage the stress and hustle of the last few weeks of school! I know school is stressful and we all have many places we would rather be, but appreciate how fortunate you are to be getting a great education, while (hopefully) living your best life. If you have any additional tips and suggestions, feel free to let us know on our social media pages, linked below! Good luck, and have fun!

Hi, I'm Jillian! I am currently studying Interior Design and Business at the University of Kentucky. Besides design, some of my passions include writing and fashion. I also love traveling--exploring new, fun places with friends is one of my favorites pastimes.