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A Guide to Planning a Study Abroad Trip

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UK chapter.

If you’re thinking about studying abroad for a semester take advantage of the opportunity. Here are a few tips to make your trip planning a little bit easier:


  • Research


Looking at a few places is truly limiting yourself when there are almost 200 countries in the world. Do your research. Talk to your advisor. Invest in your study abroad experience.


This new country is going to be a place you call home, even if just for a little while and will most likely hold a spot in your heart for years to come. Make sure you explore every option you have, prices and the opportunities that that country will come with for your career path.



  • Connect with Others


Talk to a representative in your study abroad program, or talk to someone who has study abroad experience. I was lucky enough to connect with an awesome representative that has been to the country I am interested in.


She was more than willing to meet with me and to describe the fascinating experiences that Prague gave her. There was no shortage of information and pictures that she was able to share with me and that helped make my decision even easier.


This made the big picture seem just a bit smaller when I was able to talk with someone who has been through the process step by step.



  • Stay Calm


The whole process might seem daunting, especially when looking at all the tasks you need to complete, but keep in mind, the end result is so worth it! Work on the things that you need to get done first, pay close attention to deadlines and take a deep breath. Lots of little things need to be done in order to plan a trip to a different country, but all these little things will come together, however, if you stay focused and grounded.


Hi all, I'm Paige. You could find me outside or making art. I'm inspired to take on another semester leading a great group of girls at UK!