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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UK chapter.

There are many things you hear about college and see in the movies, some good, some bad, but the truth is that not everything you’re told is accurate. Being in my third year now, I’ve come to understand what really happens in college and how day-to-day life is VERY different from what you heard it would be.



  • You don’t have homework, only exams.

This could not be falser—you definitely get homework in college. Some classes will give you more homework than others, but there is usually at least one assignment that you must turn in every day. 


  • Exams are very important for your final grade.

This is true—exams are very important in college. They aren’t usually the only thing that factors into your final grade, but they are weighted pretty heavily. So, yes, your homework assignments can boost up your grade (so do your HW!), but exams are ultimately what affects it the most.



  • Your professors expect the best from you.

Professors probably don’t expect a lot from college students. No one is going to hold you accountable for showing up to class or handing in your homework assignment—your professors have lives too and they aren’t sitting around waiting for thousands of students to do their work.


  • Your professors want the best for you.

Your professors may not expect you to be the best student, but that doesn’t mean they don’t want you to be. They want you to show up, put in effort, pay attention, and learn something. Chances are, they picked this profession because they love the subject they are teaching and want others to as well, so just keep that in mind when going to class. 



  • You’ll be at the library until 3 a.m. every night.

Although occasionally true, especially during exam weeks, this is not the case for most college students. If you know how to use your time wisely, it’s rare that you will be at the library past midnight during the school week.


  • You’ll be at the library a lot.

College is hard. There is a lot of work, and what seems like so little time to do it all. But, once you find your favorite study spot, like the library, you’ll get it all done there. I’m at the library every day in college. Not for hours on end, but there is still work to be done on a daily basis. 



  • Everyone is just here to party and drink.

This is probably the biggest myth displayed by pop culture about college life. College is not all about partying, and especially not all about drinking. It’s a lot less common than you think. College students are on their way to adulthood, and they realize that comes with responsibilities, like showing up to class and studying for tests. So, college students also realize that they aren’t going to waste thousands of dollars spent on their education to party every night. 


  • Part of college life is partying.

Not everyone is into partying, but a lot of college students are. And, that’s okay in moderation. Most people I know party once a week, if that. These four years are about learning and getting a degree for a future career. But, they are also about making crazy memories and living while we’re young, and college parties contribute to that. And, by the way, you don’t have to drink to party. They are mutually exclusive. 



  • Your dorm room has to feel like home.

Everyone wants a cute, cozy dorm room, or room in general in college. But, it’s unrealistic that it will stay cute and cozy after the first week of school. Truthfully, you really only go into your room to sleep. College is so busy that you probably spend more time at the library than your own room. That’s how it should be. Plus, once the year goes on, you’ll start waking up 10 minutes before class, and who has time to make their bed then? ☺


  • Your dorm room should feel welcoming.

Chances are, you aren’t going to want to live in your dorm room for life, so it doesn’t have to feel like your bedroom at home. However, after a long day of classes and studying, you will look forward to going back to your room. So, it should be warm and inviting, but by no means does it have to be Pinterest material. Just a place where you can get a good night’s sleep before you get back to the grind the next day.


College may not be what you expect it to be, but it is what you make it. Put in the effort in classes, and let loose and have fun on weekends. It’s about balance, as is the rest of life. Not everything you hear is true, and not everyone’s college experience is the same. You’ll figure out what you enjoy most, how you work best, who you get along with and what you like to do, and that is how you’ll make the most of your college experience. So, don’t compare yours to anyone else’s or base it off of previously believed myths. Your college life is what you make of it.

Hi, I'm Jillian! I am currently studying Interior Design and Business at the University of Kentucky. Besides design, some of my passions include writing and fashion. I also love traveling--exploring new, fun places with friends is one of my favorites pastimes.