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Why Your Parents are Actually Your Best Friends

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

It doesn’t matter if they are sending you the puppy chow you asked them to make as you studied your heart out at the library or if they are listening to you rant on and on for the 3rd time that week, as we get older, we realize that our parents really are our best friends. One of the biggest tips I heard before college was that I made sure I called my parents. Before coming to school I figured that we would call every so often so we’d keep in touch, but I didn’t think I’d call them as much as I do. I call my parents as much as I call my best friends, if not more.  As we get older, we realize that not only are our parents our parents, but our best friends as well. 

It doesn’t matter if it’s 1am and you had a really tough day and just want to rant, or if you just met the best boy or girl at your school, mom and dad are always there. It doesn’t matter the situation, they still offer the best advice you can get. During the transition period of college, there are so many phone calls about what temperature water you can wash your dark clothes in and what leftovers to  keep the longest, but I’ve come to realize that the phone calls are more than that. My parents are my best friends, and I don’t know what I’d do without them. Your parents will always be there to listen to you rant about the ignorant people in your classes, your disgusting housing, or your roller coaster of emotions but they’re there for so much more than that. Your parents will be there to talk you through the deciding factors in your life, even if at some point they didn’t know what they wanted to do, but things till turned out fine. Your parents know everything about you, (better yet, your parents find you even funnier than probably 95% of the people you’ve met in college) and you can share everything with them. The best advice comes from those you love and know everything about you. As a kid, we may not have realized just how much our parents mean to us, but since coming to college it is clear to see that our parents are the best friends we could ever make. 

So shout out to you mom and dad, for not only making 2 awesome kids, but for being our best friends. <3

HiiI'm Lauren- Sophomore at UIC,  girl who hates science but aspires to be a nurse. Catch me on campus looking as basic as ever, coffe and planner in hand too.Oh and I am probably the sassiest person you'll ever meet.  
UIC Contributor.