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Why Friendsgiving is the Best

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

Whenever I hear the word “Friendsgiving,” I think of the show “Friends.” Who doesn’t? The only difference between Thanksgiving and Friendsgiving is that you get to celebrate with your closest friends, not family. Both Friendsgiving and Thanksgiving are equal when it comes to celebrating things you are thankful for, however, there are a few extra perks that come with Friendsgiving.

1. Another way to celebrate friendship 

Friendsgiving is another great way to celebrate your friendships and to show that you’re grateful for the friends that surround you. Friends are just as important as family, am I right? After all, we don’t have enough holidays to celebrate the value of friendships.

2. Don’t have to be on your best behavior 

When you visit your family on Thanksgiving, you always have to be on your best behavior. For Friendsgiving, you can let loose, and no one will judge you. You can eat sloppily without having any family member reprimanding you. You can wear whatever you want such as sweats to leave some space for your soon-to-be-filled stomach. You can have a dance party. You can eat whatever you want. Pizza, fries, and tacos.  

3. Fills a void with people who aren’t able to celebrate Thanksgiving with their family

For those people who are unable to make it to their homes to spend Thanksgiving with their families, Friendsgiving might be able to help fill out the void. Think of Friendsgiving as a way to celebrate Thanksgiving with your second family. And on the bright side, you get to avoid the stressful travel such as dealing with flights and traffic that you usually experience when you go home.

4. Explore other family’s traditions

You or your other friends might want to try out each other’s family’s traditions. One friend might bake their great aunt’s pumpkin pie, the other might insist to break a turkey wishbone, play a football match, or say something that you’re thankful for with every course. The traditions, recipes, decorations, and quirks from other families is the true essence of Friendsgiving. After all, who knows maybe you and friends might make one of your own traditions for Friendsgiving?

My name is Priya Movva. I am a freshman in UIC and my major is English. I am currently a writer for Her Campus UIC. I like dogs, photography, books, muay thai and movies. 
UIC Contributor.