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PSA: Girls Get Horny Too, & It’s Really NBD

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

With the due comings of my last article about Vibrators, I saw a lot of awesome responses, but with that came the judgment and the messages of “TMI” and “that’s not how a lady talks.” I was entirely discouraged because although women are taught to speak their minds, that realm doesn’t come with talking about our lady parts and sex. We are taught to censor those parts out of our language and are not encouraged to create dialogues of safe sex and the elements of masturbation, which lead young females to go searching for that information on their own and use an unrealistic form of education such as that of porn and Cosmo, which are made for sexually mature adults. The fact of the matter is, that we as women, as human beings, created in other forms, can entirely be sexual beings. You ready for it? Women and girls can get horny too.

In an article entitled Censorship Hurts Women, posted by the NCAC, goes on to further demonstrate that to be sexually free, women must be able to discover and legitimate their own sexualities through representing and seeing them represented in a variety of ways. There should be no one in media or our own government telling us which are “good” and those that “degrade” us. We are, often, told that it is our own duty to create a persona of respect that if men look at us with disrespect, then it’s our own faults because our shirts were too low or our skirts/pants were too tight. It doesn’t address men and their misogynistic mindsets and that maybe, just maybe, a man shouldn’t equate respect with how our shirts look. 

We are taught that our sexualities should be put, in a small box, in the back of our minds because again “proper women don’t talk about sex.” We are taught that good girls don’t go out and explore their sexualities. That proper ladies don’t have sex on the first date and that they should wait for marriage. That we can’t buy that sexy black dress because it’s going to make us sluts and not reflect our morals. But I say, F*CK THAT. It’s 2017; women have evolved into creatures of dignity and respect. We have the right to have sex with whom we so choose; we have the right to buy vibrators and the right to create a healthy dialogue about sex with our peers and a sex-positive environment that creates education and healthy living.

Living as a woman in this day and age is tough. We are constantly taught to keep our minds and thoughts in check if we want to live a “successful life,” to keep our emotions and sexualities in boxes. Remember that this successful life that they refer to is completely misogynistic in nature and does not reflect what YOU, as an educated college female wants. If you want sex, DO IT. If you want to wait until you’re in a relationship or marriage, DO IT. If you want to explore your sexuality in a healthy way, DO IT. If you want to buy that red dress that shows off your body, and you LOVE IT, DO IT. Remember my beauts, stay bold and stay true to yourself.

UIC Contributor.