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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

What are your favorite beauty products? Here are some of my top 7!!


1.) Cocoa Butter Lotion

There’s never a day I go without wearing this. Cocoa Butter makes my skin radiant all year long. This is one of my favorite brands

2.) African Shea Butter

Just like Cocoa Butter Lotion, I feel like this really moisturizes my skin.

3.) Vaseline

Who doesn’t love vaseline? I use this as edge control, lip moisturizer, and a knee cap savior

4.) Lip Gloss

Whenever I get my hair done or wear some nice clothes, I always remember to wear lipgloss to compliment my look for that day. I usually wear chapstick because you shouldn’t wear too much lipgloss. 

5.) Face Masks

As someone with sensitive skin, I have to make sure I cleanse my face daily with the right products. Face masks really clean your pores and feel relaxing.

6.) Perfume

I love Bath and Body Works!! And I love to smell good, Period!!

7.) Shaving Cream

Summertime may be far away, but I can’t wait to show off my legs. You have to use those amazing shaving creams to show the world what you’re working with. 

Nikiya Alfred is the current events director for the UIC HER CAMPUS chapter. She's a third-year college student from the University of Illinois at Chicago with a passion for problem-solving issues in the CPS system. As an Urban Education major with a concentration in English Language Arts, she wants to explore more on Educational policy. This is the perfect opportunity for her to build relationships with other women who have a passion for writing. Please follow her on Instagram @Moondoll_7.
UIC Contributor.