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Inspiration at its Finest

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

One of the best kept secrets for getting rid stress, if I do say so myself, is to emerge yourself into creativity, take yourself out of your comfort zone, talk to new people, be thankful, and sit back and contemplate how awesome life is. Basically what that comes down to is do something that inspires you. College is an extremely stressful time knowing that what we are doing now is going to shape the rest of our lives. That can easily get to your head and cause unnecessary stress outbreaks. Taking a little time each day to really look at all the good things in your life rather than focusing on the bad will make a world of difference.

Make Your Goals Big…Literally
A unique way to blow off steam and be creative is to write your life goals or even a bucket list out on paper, paint them on your wall, make a collage, whatever floats your boat. Those of you that live in the dorms, I don’t suggest painting your walls, but carpe diem, right? If the things you are dying to accomplish in life are in your face everyday reminding you that your hard work is work it, the homework and exams won’t seem so daunting.

This picture is of an anonymous author’s novel written on the walls of an abandoned house in Chongqing, China. One word: incredible.

Talk to Someone Old and New
By this, I mean find a person over the age of 65 that you don’t know (hence the “new” part) to talk to about life for a few minutes. Everyone has that cute older person they pass everyday in front of their house or the little old lady you give your morning coffee order to. These people have been through it all. They can shed some of their much earned wisdom on you and I promise, it will be one of the best conversations you will ever have with a stranger. If all else fails, call one of your grandparents to get some advice. I promise, a stress ball doesn’t hold a candle to the wonders this will do.

Do Something Different
That corner diner you always pass? Go to it. That cute guy in your History class? Talk to him. That crazy band you secretly listen to? Drag all your friends to their next concert. Get out of your comfort zone and do something you’ve always wanted to do. Remember, crazy decisions make awesome stories.

Of course, these aren’t immediate stress relievers. I don’t recommend doing any of them 10 minutes before a final exam. But, keeping these things in mind and balancing them with school and work and any other stress-causers will make you a lot happier, and a lot closer to getting everything you want out of life.

Ceida is a third-year student at the University of Illinois at Chicago, studying graphic design with an interest in editorial. She has interned for a fashion photographer, Hesita&Bear (a luxury homeware company) and plans to continue her trek in the visual communications industry. Ceida loves exploring the Windy City, and more importantly: she enjoys showing it off. Her pass times include drinking coffee, thrifting, and listening to old-school Jazz, and photography! She is also a proud member of Phi Sigma Sigma National Sorority.