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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

Our lives are often so busy that we feel we don’t have the time for hobbies and crafts, but making something with your own hands can be incredibly rewarding and worth the effort. Here are some crafts you can do while watching TV, listening to music, or just laying around. In addition to keeping your hands busy and letting you express yourself, crafting can help you create one of a kind gifts.


Knitting can seem complicated but once you get the hang of it, it’s easy and enjoyable. The internet is full of video tutorials and simple patterns to get you started. Scarfs make an easy (and cozy) first project. All you need to learn to get started is how to cast off, bind off, and the knit stitch.

Bracelet and Jewelry Making

Friendship bracelets and beaded jewelry aren’t just for kids. Pick out your favorite charms and beads and colors of embroidery thread to make a one of a kind piece accessory. Bracelet making kits are also available in craft stores and online.


There are plenty of projects you can craft without a sewing machine. Explore websites like Pinterest for hand-sewing projects that catch your eye. Apart from being a way to make cute stuff, sewing can come in handy if you ever lose a button or rip a hole in your clothes. You can also hand sew patches onto clothing to customize your look.


Embroidery and cross-stitch have made a massive comeback in the past few years. With a few materials, you can make something quirky or beautiful. Cross-stitch uses X shaped stitches on a grid while embroidery is more freehand. With an embroidery hoop, fabric, and a needle and thread, you’re ready to get started. Cute and free cross stitch patterns are available for download or you could create a design of your own.

Emma is a third-year student studying Communication at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
UIC Contributor.