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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

I arrive at Glazed and Infused, a local doughnut shop, anxiously awaiting to meet UIC alumni, Becca Brown. I come to find out that this charming 22 year old graduated from UIC last spring, having studied theatre. Brown is extremely talented; she plays bass, acts, sings, and is an up and coming comedian. I’m glad to have met this gem, for when she’s on TV with Tina Fey, I can say that I’ve met her.

HC: Where are you from? Why did you choose UIC and how was your experience here?

I was born and raised here in Chicago, on the Northside. I choose UIC because the theatre program had a lot to offer, more than any other colleges in Chicago. I also really wasn’t ready to leave town yet. My experience was rocky at first, I picked myself up and started taking more improv classes. I told myself I could get through this and I did!

HC: What is your current job and your dream job?

I’m current working at the brew pub, Revolution. I just started and I’m already learning how to brew beer! It requires a lot more muscle than I have. My dream job would be working on some sort of comedy show on TV. Maybe SNL…

HC: When did you start acting? What made you want to pursue theatre?

My first acting gig was in the movie School of Rock when I was ten. After that, I got an agent started doing the whole child star thing but I found out it really wasn’t for me. I just wanted to go to high school and be normal. I did musicals and plays in high school, choir too.

HC: Biggest accomplishment in your life thus far?

April of my junior year I auditioned for a comedy/musical sketch show called “Cupid Has a Heart On” and got cast right on the spot. I’ve been a member of the group for the past two years now. I would say that’s my biggest accomplishment because I get to use my comedy, my writing, my music, and guitar. It’s an awesome and goofy show!

HC: If you could go back in time and tell yourself one thing as a college freshman, what would you say?

Don’t date him! Worry about yourself, not what others think. Don’t date him!

HC: What are your hobbies? What do you like to do in your free time?

I do a lot of karaoke. I know that sounds really lame, but I always go to a karaoke bar by my house and I love singing songs like “Super Bass” by Nicki Minaj, where I can show off my rapping skills. Oh yeah free style rapping is a new thing I’ve been doing.

HC: How often do you get recognized for your role in School of Rock?

Every day! Any time I’m in a new situation, someone recognizes me. Even completely random people off the street. I’m never the one to bring it up, but I don’t get annoyed by it, it’s actually funny.

HC: Do you have a favorite celebrity or someone you admire?

I have huge respect for anyone who’s graced the same stage as I have at Second City [Comedy club]. I look up to Sarah Silverman, she can say the most gruesome things and still manage to be cute. That’s what I try to go for.

Check out this fabulous ladie’s show “Cupid Has a Heart On” at Stage 773 at 8 o’clock on Saturday nights or “We’re Doing It Wrong” at Second City on Sunday’s at 8 o’clock until October 12th!  

Katie is a freshman at UIC, majoring in Communications. She loves to read novels by Ellen Hopkins and spend all her money at Sephora.
UIC Contributor.