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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

Have you ever gotten a bad haircut, wishing you could grow it all back and start over? The recipe for hair growth used to be just patience and time, but who has time for that?

Growing up, I have always been fond of healthy, lengthy hair, yet despised the wait. These past few years, I tried many different techniques, in order to try and cheat the system. From hanging your head upside down to washing your hair less, these wacky tricks never helped my case. This overnight hair mask was the one method that actually gave me concrete results, allowing my hair to grow long, thick and healthy-FAST!

Christina sunny day long hair
Original photo by Christina Maria Schutz

Ingredients for Overnight Hair Mask:

2 eggs

4 spoons Olive Oil

4-6 spoons Coconut Oil

These simple ingredients naturally work wonders. Egg yolk resists damage to the hair, containing vitamins A, E, D, Biotin, and Folate, providing nutrition where it is needed. Olive oil is loaded with Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E. While this richness fights off damage, it also protects the hair and replenishes natural oil back into the scalp. Adding olive oil into your roots promotes moisturization of dry hair, allowing it to grow at a faster pace. Lastly, coconut oil is cherished like gold, due to the way that its essential fatty acids nourish the scalp. This gets rid of sebum build up in the hair follicles, overall presenting you with longer and thicker hair, lightning fast!

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Before Starting:

Gather your ingredients. If you want to keep track of your progress, you may put on an old t-shirt and mark with a washable marker where the tip of your hair ends, in order to compare in the morning. Keep in mind, this isn’t magic, but results are guaranteed.

Step One:

Crack two eggs into a bowl and whip them with a fork until it results in a smooth texture. Add four spoons of olive oil into that same bowl, mixing it in with the eggs.

Step Two:

Preferably over a sink or tub, pour the blended eggs and oil into the crown of your hair, a little at a time. With your hands, massage this only into your scalp, making sure your roots are completely submerged. This massaging technique stimulates blood flow into your scalp, helping the hair grow faster and even removing dandruff.

Step Three:

Put your hair up (if it is at a length that you can) so it does not make a mess. If you wish, you may wrap your hair in saran wrap or a shower cap so that it does not drip onto your shoulders or clothes. Let this sit for an hour or more before rinsing out.

Step Four:

After rinsing out the eggs and olive oil with water, massage 4 to 6 spoons of coconut oil into both your scalp and the rest of your hair. This amount varies depending on the length of your hair. The coconut oil is placed into the entirety of the hair because while it promotes hair growth, it also is a go-to for defeating frizzy hair, adding shine, repairing split ends and providing a softer texture.

Step Five:

Leave the coconut oil in your hair overnight, wrapped so no pillows are sacrificed. While you sleep, results are in procedure.

Slumber Cloud

Final Step:

In the morning, wash out the coconut oil with your regular shampoo and conditioner. Compare it to the length it was before, to see if progress was made!

Photo by Autri Taheri on Unsplash

Christina is a Professional Writing major, minoring in Spanish, at University of Illinois at Chicago. She is the Senior Editor and President for Her Campus Media, following her passions to one day become an editor as a career.
UIC Contributor.