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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

to all of my beautiful girls

the ones with the straight hair and bountiful curls

the world will never clearly understand 

that our beauty and brains work hand-in-hand

even though there are ridiculous expectations

do not involve In discrimination

we all might not look alike but that’s life

woman with curly hair
Photo by Honey Yanibel Minaya Cruz from Unsplash

don’t allow preference to become the prejudice

we all know that true beauty never gets justice

allow yourself to embrace your face

those features can’t be defined by anyone else, any time, or any place

rub your soft skin 

don’t cover it up with makeup because the real you lies within

love your curves, your spine, and those gorgeous thighs

put on lipgloss for your lips and mascara for those virtuous eyes

your stretch marks aren’t a hideous sight

they remind that your body is a tree that’s growing upright

to all of my beautiful girls

do what’s best for you

because you’re the only one that can rise above you

Nikiya Alfred is the current events director for the UIC HER CAMPUS chapter. She's a third-year college student from the University of Illinois at Chicago with a passion for problem-solving issues in the CPS system. As an Urban Education major with a concentration in English Language Arts, she wants to explore more on Educational policy. This is the perfect opportunity for her to build relationships with other women who have a passion for writing. Please follow her on Instagram @Moondoll_7.
UIC Contributor.