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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

Hulu just released their teaser trailer for a new upcoming series known as The Act. The Act is a chilling true crime series starring Joey King (also played in The Kissing Booth) as “Gypsy Blanchard.”

The series is based on a true crime story that occurred back in 2015. Gypsy Blanchard went viral for murdering her mother, “Dee Dee,” after enduring a mentally abusive relationship with her. Their story is remarkable because of the scams, lies, and truth that comes with their coy. Blanchard was recognized for being diagnosed with multiple false illnesses, including one that left her in a wheelchair. Through the media’s eyes, the pair had a loving relationship and were inseparable, however once Dee Dee’s death was revealed, so were the lies and betrayals.

There have already been films created based on the incident, such as “Mommy Dead and Dearest” (2017) and “Love You to Death” (2019). The new Hulu series is set to launch towards the end of March 2019.

Andrea K. Vazquez. Hi y'all! I'm currently a first-year Communication major at University of Illinois-Chicago. I'm considering working in Journalism or some form of Media/Public Relations.
UIC Contributor.