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5 Reasons Why You Should Get a Flu Shot

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

With the flu season in full swing, now is the best time to get a flu shot. There has been a lot of controversy in recent years about the flu shot, but overwhelmingly the shot does more good than harm. It protects yourself and others, so why not prevent yourself from getting sick? With the holidays and finals right around the corner, there is no time to be stuck at home in bed with the flu. Despite the bad rep flu shots have seemed to get in the past, here are 5 reasons why you should get the flu shot this year.

It prevents you from getting sick
Seems pretty obvious, but most people don’t take the simple precaution by getting the shot. About 5-20% of the population each year is affected by the flu and more than 200,000 people are hospitalized from flu symptoms. The flu can even lead to pneumonia, ear and sinus infections, dehydration, and other chronic health conditions. Once you get the flu, it also takes about one to two weeks to fully recover, and in some cases even longer. Can you imagine not being able to do anything for two weeks? If you get the shot, you are 60% less likely to get the flu and have to deal with the repercussions. 

It’s safe
The myth that getting the flu shot will get you sick is exactly that- a myth. The flu shot will not give you the flu. There are some common side effects, such as soreness where the shot was given and headaches, but these symptoms rarely occur. The shot is also monitored heavily by the FDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to make sure that the shot is safe and effective. The vaccine also comes in a shot and a nasal spray form for those who are uncomfortable with shots.

It’s convenient
Flu shots are not only available at your doctor’s office. You can also get them at any pharmacy or free health clinic. Walgreens, Dominick’s, Jewel, and CVS are just a few of the many retail locations where you can get the shot. http://chicagoflushots.org/ also offers a map to all the available flu shot locations in the Chicago area.

It helps protect others
By preventing yourself from the flu, you also protect others. The elderly and children are most affected by this acute disease, and by making yourself immune you also help others from hospital stays and the horrible symptoms.

It’s cheap
Most insurance companies fully cover the cost of the flu shot. If not, there are other options to getting this shot for free. Many employers pay for their employees to get the shot, so ask your boss if they have that option. Also, many clinics offer the shot for free. If none of these options work for you, the out of pocket cost for the shot varies from place to place, with the most expensive being $32 (Walgreens and CVS) and the least expensive being $15 (Costco). Even without insurance, this shot is relatively cheap compared to all the antibiotics, missed work days, and possibly even hospital stays that you would have to pay if you didn’t get the shot.

Chart from huffingtonpost.com