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3 Ways to Step Up Your Academic Game

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

November is finally here! With that being said, there’s only a month and a couple weeks left before winter break. Are you burnt out from classes and feel as if you won’t survive? Here are a few tips that will keep you motivated to finish your semester off strong.


Around this time of the semester there are tons of papers and exams approaching rapidly. Planning your time is the key to success. Not planning your time wisely can cause you to fall off track from your studies.

2.  Set Attainable Goals

If you’re having trouble completing a big project, work on it days in advance, so that way you don’t get overwhelmed. For example, if you have a 25-page paper for class, set goals for yourself. Because it seems like such a big job, don’t focus on that final number. Break the paper down and consider each section of your paper individually. You can handle any project in small chunks.

 3. Acknowledge Your Accomplishments

Whenever you finish a goal give yourself a quick reward when you complete an assignment or task. Take a walk, send an email, and get a snack — whatever works for you. Then move on to the next project.

Raven is sophomore at the University of Illinois at Chicago. She majoring in UIC college of education as an early childhood educator. She dreams of one day teaching in both private and public schools. She has a passion for young people and most importantly patience. During Raven's free time from class she likes to shop, catch up on missed shows and more SHOPPING. Raven is sometimes shy but love meeting new people - ironic!  
Erin is a Communication student at the University of Illinois at Chicago and the President and Editor-in-Chief of UIC's Her Campus chapter. On a daily basis, she can be found making excessive film references and getting overly emotional about superhero TV shows. She has a deep passion for writing, movies, music, good books, and great food, and will gladly talk your ear off about all of the above if prompted to do so.