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10 Ways to Stay Motivated to Finish the Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

Spring break is over

and finals seem like a mile away. Although you may not want finals week to be upon us just yet, we are still dreaming about summer being here and wishing we were still on break. This next and final month of school may be the most challenging yet, but everyone here at HerCampus has faith you can make it through!


1. Rest Up So maybe you didn’t catch up on as much sleep as you wanted, but make sure the night before classes begin again you get enough sleep. Your body isn’t going to want to function without the proper rest. Starting the rest of your semester well rested will be much appreciated. 

2. Get Yourself Organized I love to organize and personally it’s something that relaxes me. Chances are after break you are going to have a million and one things due. One of the best ways I’ve found not to forget about anything is to go through your syllabus for each class and write down due dates. Putting them in a list or a calendar helps you to make sure you do all of your assignments in the proper amount of time.

3. Set up Goals/Inspiration Whenever I want to accomplish something I set up my own goals and inspiration. Want to make it to the gym more the rest of the year? Make yourself go twice and week and build up from there. “Inspiration Walls” are also super motivating. Putting up inspiration some place that you look all the time is going to keep you moving forward. Even if your goal is making it until summer, set yourself a countdown so you have something to look forward to.

4. Reward Yourself If you are constantly working and studying, eventually it won’t be nearly as effective. Make sure to take breaks and schedule in some time to hang out with friends or do some sort of activity. Studies show we can only truly concentrate for 40-45 minute intervals. Break it up!

5. Airplane Mode Sometimes you set out to get to the grind and finish your work early, but somehow that doesn’t end up working out how you planned. Your best friend keeps sending you hilarious snapchats that you can’t resist replying to. Take a break from your technology that you don’t need to complete your work and it will go by so much faster!

6. Office HoursIf you are struggling at all in any of your classes, see your professors as soon as possible! Although tutoring and TA’s may help you out, nobody knows the material as well as the teachers! Some teachers will even bump up your grade at the end of the semester if they know you were. It never hurts to befriend a professor either!

7. Find Someplace New to StudyWeek after week studying in the same place may seem like the nights never end and your studying isn’t as effective. A new study location may just give you the boost to take it through your last few late night study sessions.

8. Take the Time to Workout and Eat RightWhen you are stressed out and trying to concentrate on your work, remember that your body needs nourishment. Eating right and working out will provide you with the energy and health you need to get through this last month.

9. Change up your study habitsBy this point in the semester, you know what ways you study the best (hopefully) but sometimes a little change is good! Maybe you aren’t getting the grades that you want so take this time to try and learn things in a new way. Sometimes a little change in your learning habits can cause you to remember the stuff better.

10. Trust Your Support GroupWhen all else fails, know that you have an amazing support system behind you, ready to catch you if you fall. Remember that you can do this and a break is coming!


HiiI'm Lauren- Sophomore at UIC,  girl who hates science but aspires to be a nurse. Catch me on campus looking as basic as ever, coffe and planner in hand too.Oh and I am probably the sassiest person you'll ever meet.  
UIC Contributor.