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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UH chapter.

Dear America,

I hear you. And I hope you’ll take the time to listen to what I have to say too.

The first amendment in general is something we can all recall and recite but not something we think about daily. It is just there. Something we take for granted.

Until now.

America is in uproar. It feels like everyone is being challenged. Liberals vs conservatives, men vs women, race vs race, religion vs religion, and so on. The past few months have just felt like one big prize fight. And the world is waiting to see who takes home the title.

In this fight the first amendment is the ultimate weapon.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Since December 15, 1791 that has been a right for the American people. The other side of your fight will try to silence you and put you down but you deserve to exercise your rights.

But a key word to remember here is peaceably. You can speak your mind and protest to your hearts content but be peaceful. All violence does is incite more violence. But understand that not everyone will agree with you. And that’s okay.

This country is not perfect but it was founded on escaping prosecution. It’s time for America to live up to that and embrace change and embrace diversity.

We should look at our history and learn a lesson. America is known as a melting pot because people from all over the world came here in search of our American dream. Now with all the hatred and division it is more like the American joke.

The Dutch, Irish, Germans, Jews, Japanese, Mexicans and many others that came here were hated and told they would ruin the country and here we are years later not ruined but a global superpower.

I know that you are tired. I am tired too. Tired of all the social media posts and the news stories. All saying the same things. But I don’t believe we are close to ending this fight.

It’s time for the United States to be just that, united. Instead of focusing on what divides us we should be moving towards equality, inclusion and acceptance because it will make us stronger. And better.

I love my country. I love my home despite all its imperfections. All I can hope is that it will choose to love me back.

To all my fellow Americans that are feeling very worried, scared, overwhelmed and concerned.

Breathe. Take a moment from all the arguing and the tension. Find some peace. Find love and kindness and spread it.

Stay informed and educated. And know that I hear you. I see the problems. I understand.




I am an aspiring writer and excited to be writing for Her Campus. I am a print media journalism major with a minor in classical studies in the class of 2017. Go Coogs! Writing is one of my passions and I believe it give us the potential to make a huge impact. So be kind. Love much. And write on.
Irina Alejandro is a sophomore at the University of Houston, getting a major in political science and two minors women's studies and international affairs. In her spare time she loves singing loudly in the shower, forcing herself to workout, and talking excessively about politics. She also enjoys long walks on the beach, going to PTA meetings and crying over minor inconveniences. If you want to contact her for a date, leave a comment on one of her articles.