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Just Another Veteran’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UH chapter.

Another Halloween has come and gone, so now we’ve all set our sights on Thanksgiving and Christmas. There’s no other way to get through the school year than by starting a countdown for the next holiday, right? But there is one important holiday we all seem to look over, Veteran’s Day.

Veteran’s Day falls every year on Nov. 11th and it is meant to honour those who have served in the military. In fact, this day is celebrated as a day of remembrance in many countries around the world.

For those of you who think Memorial Day and Veterans Day are the same thing you would be wrong. Memorial day is meant to honour those who have died in service for their country, and Veteran’s day places emphasis on those veterans who are still with us today.

The holiday falls on this particular date because on Nov. 11th 1918 the armistice that ended the first World War was signed. Sadly, each year the holiday seems to have diminished in its importance because there are less veterans from WWI and WW2 around to give it tangible importance.

Veteran’s Day is not just about veterans from these early wars, and it still has meaning today. There are still so many brave women and men who serve for our country, and they deserve to be recognized.

Take time today to honour all the risks and sacrifices those in our military have made for the country and people that they love. Visit a memorial, thank a veteran, observe a moment of silence.

“For the land of the free, and the home of the brave,” are the lyrics that can be sung across this country because of these courageous individuals.

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